Learning outside of the classroom.
When education became compulsory in 1870 it was part of a system where someone stood at the front of a room and imparted knowledge and those listening had to…
Keep it Simple!
Children like to know where they stand. They like to know what is expected of them and most have a very strong sense of what is right and wrong….
Who Can I Turn To?
There is no doubt that Headship is a very lonely job. It’s very strange – you spend years in the classroom where you have your colleagues, SLT, the head,…
Thank you for That!
You will never please all the people, all of the time. I had to learn this very early on in my teaching career and it became even more obvious…
The elephant in the room!
I really don’t see how I can share my thoughts on headship without mentioning the sword of Damocles that hangs over all of us – OFSTED. I don’t intend…
About Me
After working in the same school for 41 years I decided that it was time to hang up my whistle and start a new chapter of my life. However, education is very much still in me and I want to share my thoughts and my ‘pearls of wisdom!’